Course Description
This course consists of 130+ video units split into 20 sections. Every section focuses on a different photography topic, with the sections presented in sequential order.
We begin the course by laying the foundations - looking at exposure. Once you have a solid understanding of exposure, we will build on it with sections like camera settings, image design, camera gear or editing. Throughout the course and also at the end, we will look at real-life case studies to put everything you've learned together.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is this course for me?
If your photos don't turn out the way you want them to, then this course is for you. It teaches photography for beginners as well as advanced enthusiasts, starting with the basics of photography and going deeper with every section. Who is this course not for? For anyone who looks at their photos and says "I perfectly execute my vision more often than not."
Do I need to have a camera before I start?
You don't need to have a camera before starting. You can start learning about the fundamental concepts first, then skip forward to the camera gear section, and then go ahead and buy or borrow a camera which suits you. Once you have a camera, you can proceed to the practice units and some hands-on skills.
When does the course start?
You will have access to all photo course units as soon as you enroll. You can learn at your own pace, in your own-time.
How long does it take to complete the course?
That's entirely up to you - you can learn at your own pace. You could watch everything in one week if you have a lot of time, or less if your schedule is a bit more packed at the moment. You will get the greatest benefit by watching a unit and then putting it into practice before watching the next unit.
How long will I have access to the course?
You will have ongoing access to the course for as long as it exists! You do need an internet connection to access the course content.
Do I have to watch the video units in order?
No, you can view the units in any order you like. You will immediately have access to all course units once you enroll. I recommend following the course sequence as some units build on each other, but if you're already very familiar with a specific topic feel free to skip it. And you can of course go back and re-watch previous units as well!
Your Outcome
In this course, I'll teach you everything you need to know to become a confident photographer, even if you're just starting.
The course consists of nearly 14 hours of video instruction. You'll get downloadable PDF handbooks to follow along the video units & quizzes to test your knowledge. Throughout the course you'll also have dedicated practice units to sharpen your hands-on skills. And we'll look at different case studies for real-world examples.
At the end of the course, you'll have both the knowledge and the skills to take your photography from 'meh' to 'wow'!